Bard Dmg Build

  1. I plan to go mainly bard. What I am asking though is if I should go 2 rogue 2 bard first or 3 rogue 1 bard. Then 4 rogue and 1 bard. Or if I should go to level 3-4 with bard before takeing the last rogue levels. In other words, I would like to know which order I should pick my rogue and bard levels in.
  2. Martial builds need the second increase for Dexterity, and caster builds won't benefit from Pack Tactics since there are nearly no bard spells which require attack rolls. Default Rules: Kobolds are fine and Pack Tactics is great, but the Kobold's traits don't offer anything specifically useful for the bard.
  3. The Wind Bard can focus on either greatly increasing the effects of their attack and speed buffs or on their single to multi target wind damage spells which add minor debuffs. They are definitely the best damage dealers of all the Bard types at higher levels because of their two area of effect damage spells combined with their stacked attack buffs.

Last updated on August 13th, 2019

TL;DR: Only those 2 cards bellow should be used for support bard builds, nothing else. Lv70 gold ones specifically for the extra MS they give comparing to any other Lv Cards. The lack of PEN doesn't matter since we're not dealing damage with this build anyways, with or without PEN. Gear Enchantment Cards. As for our gear cards there are 2. Finally, I wanted a build that felt like a true jack-of-all-trades, used no crafting and was centered on exploration, which led me to create: THE WANDERING BARD. Lore: The Bard was born in Cyrodiil, his family lived in a cabin in the middle of the woods near Chorrol, where they kept to themselves and tried to stay away from the war.

In this Bard’s Tale 4 Guide we will check out the Bard Classand share some tips on how to play it effectively. The Bard is the most versatile class in the game and covers the Support Role with a wide variety of Songs that Buff allies and Debuff enemies. Bards can also fulfill Tank and DPS Roles, so you have a myriad of options in how to approach your build.

Bard’s Tale 4 Bard Guide


Thanks to their versatility, Bards can be played from just about any position in combat. However, they are most efficient from front row because of their higher base Constitution bonus, and the quantity of Constitution they gain from passive skills. Their Songs and attacks can disrupt enemy forces easily while also protecting party members from harm, making them excellent front-liners together with the Fighter.

Chugging Booze

Bards use Spell Points to play Songs and they regain Spell Points through the Chug ability and Potion of Focus. To use Chug, you need to have Booze available in your inventory.

LolBard dmg build windows

Bards have a special Crafting Tree that gives them ability to craft all the Booze a Bard could possibly need. It is therefore highly recommended to level the Bard’s Crafting Tree and get the excellent associated passives such as Victory Shot.


Drunkenness is an indicator of how many stacks of Drunk the Bard has at that moment. Every time the Chug ability is used to restore Spell Points, you will also get stack of Drunk. How many stacks of Drunk and Spell Points you receive depends on the Booze used. If your Drunkenness number is higher then your Intelligence, the Bard doubles its Strength for that round only. The downside is that Bard will be Stunned during the next round and its channeled abilities will be also canceled. It is a risky move that can pay off sometimes but only if you are playing DPS oriented Bard because they can use that bonus Strength more effectively then other builds.

Best Race for Bard

The Race selected for the Bard will vary depending on the role and build you are aiming for. Tanks and DPS Bard Roles require different Races since some bonuses work best with particular builds. These are the recommended combinations:

  • Tank/Support Role: Baed, Fichti, Outlander, Dwarf, Elf
  • DPS Role: Baed, Trow, Einarr

Bard Skills

Bards excel at Support roles but can add Tank or DPS elements to their playstyle. They have a wide variety of Skills to choose from that determine their Role.

Most of them are combat-oriented but there is also a very important non-combat Skill from the Bard Crafting Tree called Wine Pairing. It doubles the effectiveness of any Food consumed, meaning you will heal for twice as much. With this passive Skill even low level Food like Broth can be quite effective.

Wine Pairing is just too good to pass on

Bards start off with Sanctuary Score and the Chop ability. Sanctuary score is an amazing support Song that provides a shield for an ally, and a heal to them when the shield is broken. Chop is a basic attack ability that damages an opponent and has a 30% chance to put the Bleed status effect. Both of these abilities are very useful for certain playstyles, but after these starting abilities you will have to choose a role for your Bard and skills that complement that role only.

Building a Bard

Here are some build ideas for different Bard Roles:


A Tanky Bard with Support abilities is a frontliner that can take lots of damage while buffing allies and debuffing enemies. Supporting is done with Songs such as Sanctuary Score and Kael’s Rudiment, while debuffing enemies is done with Wayland’s Watch and Falkentyne’s Fury. If you have Practitioners in your party, Spellsong is really useful because it restores Spell Points. To restore Spell Points and do some damage in the process use Chug with Mean Drunk passive. Important attributes for this Bard are Constitution, Spell Points and Intelligence.

Important Skills for Tank/Support Bard:

Bard damage buildBuild
  • Full Musical Skill Tree
  • Medium Armor Skill Line
  • Mean Drunk


The idea behind the DPS Bard is to strike enemies hard with your chosen weapon to get a kill. Victory Shot and its upgrades will restore Spell Points when the Bard kills a target and those Spell Points can be used to cast something like Falkentyne’s Fury, that marks all enemies and detonates upon doing damage to a marked enemy. As a straightforward Weapon oriented build, focus on the Strength and Constitution attributes.

Important Skills for DPS Bard:

  • Weapon Path for the weapon you plan on using
  • Critical Weapon Path for the same weapon
  • Juggler (Dual Wield)
  • Victory Shot Path
  • Falkentyne’s Fury Song


Bards are a versatile bunch that can offer many things to every party, including some drunken fun. They have many useful songs and attacks on top of amazing non-combat passives like Wine Pairing that doubles food effectiveness.

Keep your Bard in front line, let it take some damage instead of other weaker party members and either focus on supporting your party with buffs and debuffs, or deal damage to enemies near you. Bards can do both very well thanks to their versatility and decent Constitution bonuses from passive skills.

If you follow the tips above, you will increase your Attributes to match your role, so seek out and equip the right gear.

Bards are good at everything and absolutely best in the game at Supporting the fellowship

Bard Dmg Build

If you are playing the game, check out the Bard’s Tale IV: Barrow’s Deep Wiki. You should also have a look at our Getting Started Guide, or check out other Bards Tale 4: Barrows Deep Class Guides!

Bard Damage Build 5e

Hey there people I was corrently multiclassing a Bard/Rogue.
This is how it went down, we didn't start off as magical users so I Rogue until level 2 favorit class. But then when I became able to become a bard I got the chose of gaining a new favorit class, so I went with bard ofcourse.
3 level rogue and 1 level bard. ' I choose this but we are still in leveling/putting in skill points phase which means I can undo one level of rogue'
My stats are as following, and I raised my dex from 15-16 at level 4.
10 STR
16 DEX (2+ human racial)
11 CON
15 INT
12 WIS
18 CHA
I am currently level 4 in all. I can still choose to go 2 rogue, 2 bard. But I wanted to get atleast to level 3-4 for acess to Trickster later aswell as 1+ fortitude and 2d6 sneak attack.
What do you guys think? In what order should I obtain levels?
My plan is as following. Go level 3 rogue and level 1 bard, then contiue to level bard until level 6 where I got 3 levels in each. Then go one more rogue level or maybe sooner.
Or should I stay level 2 rogue and go all in on the bard until a later level?
I just felt that its better to do it now in the early levels then later.
I may go level four in rogue for both rogue talent + uncanny dodge since I am a very dex based character.
My feats are: Decitful, Persusive, Agile Manuvers and as Rogue talent I got Finesse Rogue/Weapon Finesse.
I feel like Uncanny dodge is not in my in interesseret to skip.
Do mind we play in a low fantasy world so that overuse of magic will have a chance of backfireing social wise.