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Istudy Courses Ole Miss

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Istudy Courses Reviews

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iStudy Courses


We offer a variety of courses for you to choose from. All of our courses are 3 credit hours and are available online through Blackboard.*

Please note that most of the courses’ syllabi have a suggested Pacing Guide to complete the course in a traditional semester. These are written for the Fall and Spring semesters and Full summer semester students need to make adjustments due to the significantly shorter time period involved.

* All courses are three hours for college credit except CHEM 101, which is 4 credits.

College of Liberal Arts

CourseCourse NameSyllabusPrerequisites
AH 101Introduction to Western Artview
Dr. Louise Arizzoli
Will not count toward art major
AH 201History of Art Iview
AH 202History of Art IIview
Dr. Louise Arizzoli
BISC 102Inquiry into Life--Human BiologyviewDr. Carol ClevelandWill not count for credit if Bisc 160 is counted. Applies to the science requirement of the core curriculum. Associated laboratory is Bisc 103.
BISC 104Inquiry into Life--The EnvironmentviewDr. Carol ClevelandBisc 102. Associated laboratory is Bisc 105. Will not count for credit if Bisc 162 is counted.
CHEM 101Chemical ConceptsviewDr. Kerri ScottDS 099, if required. Intended for students who have not completed high school chemistry. Does not satisfy Core Curriculum science requirement. May not be used for major or minor credit.
CHEM 201Environmental Chemistry IviewDr. Kerri ScottNot open to students who have taken first-year chemistry. Not applicable to a major or minor in chemistry. Not acceptable for certification in chemistry for secondary school teachers. When taken in conjunction with Chem 113, satisfies science requirements of the core curriculum. May not be used for major or minor credit.
CHEM 271Biochemical Concepts, v1viewCHEM 121 or CHEM 221. May not be used for major or minor credit.
CLC 106Classical Mythology
Dr. Jonathan Fenno
DS 097 (or DS 094), if required
ECON 202Principles of MicroeconomicsviewDS 099, if required
ECON 203Principles of Macroeconomicsview
Dr. James Carden
ECON 202 (Min: C), DS 097 (or DS 094), if required
ECON 303Money and BankingviewEcon 202/Econ 203
ENG 510/ LIN 355/ TESL 592Modern English GrammarviewDr. Michael RainesOne of the following: Eng 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, or 299
FR 101Elementary French Iview
Ms. Marta Chevalier
Intended for students with fewer than two years of high-school French.
FR 102Elementary French IIviewFR 101
FR 201Intermediate French Iview
Ms. Marta Chevalier
Fr 102 or Fr 121
FR 202Intermediate French IIviewFR 201
GERM 101Elementary German Iview
Ms. Tracy Koslowski
Intended for students with fewer than two years of high-school German.
GERM 102Elementary German IIviewGerm 101
GERM 201Intermediate German Iview
Ms. Tracy Koslowski
Germ 102
GERM 202Intermediate German IIviewGerm 202
G ST 201Introduction to Gender Studiesview
Mr. Kevin Cozart
G ST 301 Special Topics: Gender and PovertyviewMr. Kevin CozartMay be repeated once for credit with permission of director
G ST 391 Women, Gender & the EnvironmentviewMr. Kevin CozartG St 201
HST 120 The History of Europe to 1648view
HST 130The United States to 1877view
Dr. Wendy Smith
HST 131US History since 1877view
IE 531
LIN 551
TESL 531
Assessment in Second Language AcquisitionviewDr. Michael RainesJunior Standing (60 hr): LIN 350 or LIN 351
IE 542
LIN 350
TESL 542
Teaching English as a Second LanguageviewDr. Michael RainesJunior Standing (60 hr) and LIN 256
IE 547
LIN 572
TESL 547
Cultural Dimensions of Second Language AcquisitionviewDr. Michael RainesJunior Standing (60 hr): LIN 350 or LIN 351
ITAL 101 Elementary Italianview
Ms. Kenna Daniel
Intended for students with fewer than two years of high-school Italian.
MATH 115Elementary StatisticsviewMinimum ACT mathematics score of 19 (SAT 450 or SATR 490) or the successful completion of DS 099, if required.
MATH 121College AlgebraviewMr. Michael AzlinMinimum ACT mathematics score of 19 (SAT 450 or SATR 490) or the successful completion of DS 099, if required. Course cannot be booked if completed Math 261 or Math 262 with a grade of C or better.
MATH 123Trigonometryview
Mr. Jon-Michael Wimberly
Minimum ACT mathematics score of 19 (SAT 450 or SATR 490) or the successful completion of DS 099, if required
MATH 261Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IviewDr. Qin ZhangMinimum ACT mathematics score of 24 (SAT 560 or SATR 580); or B minimum in Math 121 and 123; or B minimum in Math 125; or ACT mathematics score of 17 (SAT 410 or SATR 460) or 18 (SAT 430 or SATR 490) and ALEKS PPL score of 76.
MATH 267Calculus for Business, Economics, and Accountancy IviewMr. Robert HuntMinimum ACT mathematics score of 19 (SAT 450 or SATR 490) or the successful completion of DS 099, if required. Course cannot be booked if completed Math 261 with a grade of C or better
MATH 268Calculus for Business, Economics, and Accountancy IIviewMs. Julie AndersonMath 261 or Math 267 or Math 271 (each with minimum grade of C)
PORT 101Elementary Portuguese IviewIntended for students with fewer than two years of high-school Portuguese.
PORT 102Elementary Portuguese IIview
Ms. Milene Prewitt
Port 101
PSY 201General PsychologyviewSEMESTER ONLY
PSY 311Abnormal Psychology (currently unavailable)viewPsy 201
PSY 320Cognitive Psychologyview
Dr. Matthew Reysen
Psy 201
PSY 394Lab in Psychology: Cognition & PerceptionviewDr. Matthew ReysenPsy 201, Psy 202, Psy 320 or Psy 326, [DS 097 (or DS 094), if required]
SPAN 101Elementary Spanish IviewMust have less than 2yrs H.S. instruction or will be dropped. Intended for students with fewer than two years of high-school Spanish.
SPAN 102Elementary Spanish IIview
Ms. Karla Durán
Span 101
SPAN 121Accelerated Elementary Spanish IviewTwo years or more of high school instruction or will be dropped
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish Iview
Ms. Diana Semmes
Span 102 or Span 121
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish IIviewSpan 201
THEA 205
(CINE 201)
Cinema Survey 1: 1880s to 1945 viewDr. Michelle EmanuelCinema minors or B.F.A. in Theatre Arts - film production emphasis students only, OR instructor permission
THEA 206
(CINE 202)
Cinema Survey 2: 1945 to 21st CenturyviewDr. Michelle EmanuelPre-requisite: Cinema minors or B.F.A. in Theatre Arts, Film Production Emphasis students only, OR instructor permission
WRIT 101First-Year Writing 1view
Ms. Karen Forgette
DS 098, if required. A student may not receive credit for both Writ 100 and Writ 101
WRIT 102First-Year Writing 2viewEngl 101 or Hon 101 or Writ 100 or Writ 101

School of Accountancy

CourseCourse NameSyllabus
ACCY 201Introduction to Accounting Principles IviewDr. Dave Nichols
ACCY 202Introduction to Accounting Principles IIviewDr. Dave NicholsACCY 101

School of Applied Sciences

CourseCourse NameSyllabusPrerequisites
CJ 100Introduction to Criminal Justiceview
Dr. Jeffery M. Johnson
CJ 120Intro to Correctionsview
CJ 230Principles of Investigation (Currently unavailable)viewCJ 100
CJ 300Ethics in Legal StudiesviewCJ 100 for Criminal Justice Majors and Legal Studies Minors Only
CJ 310Law Enforcement Process and PolicyviewDr. Jeff JohnsonCJ 110 for Criminal Justice Majors and Legal Studies Minors Only
CJ 320Correctional Treatment Strategiesview
Dr. Linda Keena
CJ 120 (Min: C)
CJ 422Probation, Parole and Community CorrectionviewDr. Linda KeenaCJ 120: Introduction to Corrections
CJ 444Law of CorrectionsviewCJ 120
CJ 450Criminal Justice Researchview
Dr. Linda Keena
Math 115 (Min: C), Instructor Approval Required, CJ Majors Only, 24 Earned Hours
CJ 499Colloquium in Criminal JusticeviewJunior Standing Required, Criminal Justice Majors and Legal Studies Minors Only, Pre-Requisite: 24 Earned Hours
EDDE 507Safety Educationview
Dr. Michael Dupper
Junior standing (60 hr. earned)
ES 396Allied Health TerminologyviewFLEX ONLY [Bisc 102 and Bisc 103] or [Bisc 160 and Bisc 161] or [Bisc 206]
ES 511Applied Statisticsview
Dr. Minsoo Kang
HP 191Personal and Community Healthview
HP 203First Aidview
Mr. David Waddell
HP 312Behavioral Aspects of Weight ManagementviewDr. Allison Ford-Wade
NHM 311Basic Nutritionview
NHM 328Child Developmentview
Dr. Anne Bomba
SRA 194Foundations of Leisure and RecreationviewMr. David WaddellFLEX ONLY
SRA 200Park and Recreation Program LeadershipviewMr. David WaddellFLEX ONLY SRA majors/minors OR with consent of instructor
SRA 262Introduction to Therapeutic RecreationviewMr. David WaddellFLEX ONLY SRA majors/minors OR with consent of instructor
SRA 332Outdoor RecreationviewFLEX ONLY SRA 194 or SRA 200 with minimum grade of C
SRA 371Camp Leadershipview
Mr. David Waddell
FLEX ONLY SRA 194 or SRA 200 with minimum grade of C
SRA 375Recreational Sports ProgrammingviewFLEX ONLY SRA 194 or SRA 200 with minimum grade of C
SRA 511Applied Statisticsview
Dr. Minsoo Kang

School of Business

CourseCourse NameSyllabusPrerequisites
FIN 411Finance Fundamentals for MBA ApplicantsviewDr. Lynn Phillips Kugele

School of Education

CourseCourse NameSyllabus
COUN 307Educational Psychologyview
COUN 309Psychology of Adolescenceview
Dr. Philip Cooker
EDDE 507Safety Education (under development)viewDr. Michael DupperMust be Junior Standing (60 hr)
EDRD 300Foundations of Reading InstructionviewDr. Diane Lowry
EDRD 429Reading in the Secondary SchoolviewDr. Diane Lowry
EDSP 308Introduction to Special EducationviewEducation Majors, Music Education Majors and Minors Only
EDLS 301Children's Literature K-8view
Dr. Diane Lowry

School of Engineering

CourseCourse NameSyllabusPrerequisites
CSCI 103Survey of Computingview
Ms. Beth Lucas
CSCI 112 (Min: C). Not to be used to satisfy computer science major requirements
CSCI 191Office ApplicationsviewCannot book with Csci 112 Completed. Not to be used to satisfy computer science major requirements.
GEOL 105Environmental Geologyview
Dr. Inoka Widanagamage
Satisfies laboratory-science requirements of core curriculum when taken in conjunction with Geol 115

School of Journalism

CourseCourse NameSyllabusPrerequisites
IMC 204Introduction to Integrated Marketing CommunicationviewMr. Bobby Steele Jr.
JOUR 101Introduction to Journalismview
Dr. Kathleen Wickham

School of Pharmacy

CourseCourse NameSyllabusPrerequisites
PHAD 395Medical Ethicsview
Ms. Patricia O’Sullivan