11.1.2 Developerimage.dmgsanfranciscotree

Below I am going to detail the all-new features of Oracle’s Data Relationship Management that were in the actual new release. There were a few things I highlighted in my previous post that were speculated to be released, but were apparently held back for future patches or releases.

  1. Jun 14, 2011 However is, it is the recommended OS base for a DRM install. Ensure that a 64bit OS is used on either 11.1.2 or Even if the memory is bumped up to 64GB its a gotcha if the product is used on a 32bit OS, not all the memory is utilized 50% or less of the memory will be utilized.
  2. New Product in Fully configurable governance workflow oriented business application targeted at front-line business users. Shares metadata with Oracle Data Relationship Management and extends it through the configuration of workflow models, stages, and tasks.

Apr 11, 2015 DRM Application Creation Vijay Kurian April 11, 2015 - 9:44 AM April 11, 2015 DRM, Level 1 Intermediate, Oracle Now that we’ve finished the DRM install, it’s time to create a new DRM application.

Here is the link for all the Release Documentation for new features across the Oracle Hyperion/EPM product set!

Anything marked with Oracle is from the Oracle documentation. My notes will be next to a HB.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments – either by commenting on the post or sending an email to hyperionbarbie@gmail.com.

Conditional Workflow Stages

*Oracle: A workflow model can be configured to conditionally alter the workflow path for individual requests. You can include or exclude particular workflow stages depending on whether request items have certain property values or if they fail certain validations. You can also separate request items that require different approvers and split enrichment tasks into different requests to follow separate workflow paths.


*HB: If a new account does not have a correct Planning alias per validation requests, send a request to a user to enter. If it is fine, continue through Workflow.

Separation of Duties

*Oracle: You can configure workflow stages to require a separate approving user who has not submitted or approved for any other stage in the request.

*HB:Helpful DRG improvement for auditing and upholding approval paths.

Request Items from File

11.1.2 Developer Image.dmg San Francisco Tree Nursery

*Oracle: Request items can be loaded into a workflow request from an external flat file created by a user or source system. You can load request items during a Submit or Enrich stage. Source files may be loaded using the Web Client or Batch Client.

*HB: Similar to Action Scripts, allows several accounts to be batch requested at month-end via a file (cuts down on manual entry items and thus any fat-finger issues).

Request Attachments

*Oracle: Attachments can be added to a workflow request to justify changes or explain an action that was taken. Attachments can be viewed and downloaded by request participants. File attachments are uploaded to a request using the Web Client.

*HB: E-mail requests or Word documents for master data changes can be added to requests for support– huge assist to the audit process.

Request Details for Transactions

*Oracle: The final approver for a committed request is recorded in the transaction history. Transaction detail provides audit information for each transaction including the user responsible for making the change in the request and when they made the change.

*HB: Understanding who approved a specific master data addition or property change request. Even more insight into the request/approve/deny process.

Improved Handling of Request Exceptions

*Oracle: Submitters may withdraw their own in-flight requests.

–Commit users may access escalated requests along with Data Managers.

–Escalation users can advance the request for any stage.

–Data Manager role may unclaim any in-flight request and delete any request that has not been committed.

*HB:Allowing users to take ownership of their request items, facilitate processing speed yet still abiding by chain-of-command.

Workflow Request Page Improvements

*Oracle: Tabbed layout for easy access to request content

–Show/hide control for task label and instructions

–Task property instructions

–Custom property labels by task

–Filter hierarchies used for request items by task

–Splitter to view more items or details

*HB:Basic improvements to enhance user experience. Show/hide and tabbed layout increase screen real-estate, and instructions and labels assist the end user with their tasks.

Oracle Planning and Budgeting Application Template

*Oracle: A new application template is available to auto-configure a Oracle DRM application to import, manage, and export dimensions for the Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service.

*Oracle: After the template is loaded, nodes can be created, organized into hierarchies, and assigned membership to Oracle Hyperion Planning dimensions in DRM. The application template includes properties, categories, validations, node types, imports and exports. The application template can also be used to manage dimensions for classic Oracle Hyperion Planning applications.

*HB:Great for companies that might have PBCS for Planning, but HFM/GL/Other system solutions on-premise, and want to share dimensionality and master data between all systems.

Substitution Parameters

*Oracle: Substitution parameters can be used to pass in custom run-time parameters to imports. The values of these parameters can be used with import options for creating orphan hierarchies.

Single Section Import

*Oracle: You can load an import file that consists of a single import section and which does not contain a section header.

*HB:Don’t need “hier” headers anymore! Import dimension section using just parent-child relationship file exports; cuts down on custom formatting.

Skipping Header Records in File

*Oracle: Header records at the beginning of an import file can be skipped during the import process. The number of records to skip is configured in the import profile.

*HB: Great for custom-import file formats where the source system may not be easily configured for DRM imports. Adds more flexibility to import profile.

Orphan Hierarchies

*Oracle: Hierarchies can be automatically created from nodes that are imported as orphans into a version. A separate hierarchy is created for each top orphan node that has children but no parent in the version. Orphan nodes that have no children can be imported into a single stranded orphan hierarchy.

*HB: Easier to see and query orphan nodes that need to be placed or may be waiting to be placed, instead of just list format under “Orphans” tab.

Ignoring Nodes

*Oracle: In the import profile, you can specify a list of nodes included in the source file that will be ignored during the import process.

*HB:Immediately filtering things out that are unnecessary or will cause downstream issues – easier than manually filtering them out of the import file or removing them before blending into a working version.

Set Node Types and Assign Validations

*Oracle: You can configure an import profile to automatically assign a node type property and validations to all hierarchies being imported using the profile. This eliminates the need to handle these configurations for each hierarchy manually after import.

11.1.2 developer image.dmg san francisco tree pruning schedule

*HB: Reduces administrator time spent configuring the hierarchy manually after an import. Can start use of hierarchy immediately.

Formatted Memo Properties

*Oracle: You can import multi-line, formatted memo property values by enclosing the values in quotes.

Optional Section Header Suffix

*Oracle: You can leave the import file section header suffix blank.

*HB:Helpful if the source system for the import does not support customization of this field

Reverse Lookup

San francisco plant

*Oracle: Lookup type properties can be selected for import section columns to perform a reverse lookup on column values being imported. The resulting value is stored in the defined property that uses the lookup property.

Substitution Parameters

*Oracle: You can use substitution parameters to pass in custom run-time parameters to exports. The values of these parameters can be used for selecting hierarchy groups, in query filters and in dynamic export columns.

*HB:Filter list of hierarchy options in exports by Hierarchy group (instead of long list in alphabetical order)

Hierarchy Groups

*Oracle: Hierarchy groups can be used to auto-select hierarchies for exports instead of having to manually select the hierarchies for each export. Each export profile is configured with a hierarchy group property and hierarchy group. When a hierarchy is assigned to a hierarchy group, the hierarchy becomes immediately included in all exports using the group.

*HB:Helpful if wanting to export everything in hierarchy group X for a dimension export (main + alt hierarchies in a group).

Dynamic Columns

*Oracle: You can use a dynamic export column to add a specific value to a column that is not present in the source version used by the export. You can specify a combination of literal values and substitution parameters in the dynamic column.

*HB: Dynamically change the columns in an export on-the-fly, depending on user input. Helpful if making a custom export Planning smartlist that requires an operation column.

*Oracle: Data Relationship Management offers a streamlined application server architecture optimized for single machine, multi-processor deployments on 64-bit hardware. Each application utilizes a single engine and server, instead of the multiple engine and server configuration used in previous releases. These improvements result in higher concurrency of read operations, eliminate event traffic between engines, and reduce connections to and data transferred from the repository.

*HB:What does this mean? DRM now can utilize mutli-processor servers to run operations, so the calculation and read operations have more power – making DRM faster and more scalable.

Higher Concurrency: Improved Performance: Improved Scalability

11.1.2 Developer Image.dmg San Francisco Tree Removal Permit

DRM is now optimized for multi-processor, single machine deployments instead of having several application servers for a configuration. Parallel read operations are improved, aka browsing hierarchies and flipping between tasks.

There are some installation/configuration changes that come along with these improvements: you can no longer have secondary app servers for one DRM application (but can still have multiple web servers for high-availability).

*Oracle: This release of Data Relationship Management is accessible. The Data Relationship Management Web Client supports accessibility requirements for people with a wide range of disabilities. This includes full keyboard navigation and compatibility with screen readers such as JAWS. Oracle Data Relationship Management supports accessibility at all times.

*HB: Supported for users with certain disabilities, requiring screen-reader and navigation assistance.

*Oracle: Use the Cumulative Feature Overview tool to create reports of new features added in prior releases. This tool enables you to identify your current products, your current release version, and your target implementation release version. With a single click, the tool quickly produces a customized set of high-level descriptions of the product features developed between your current and target releases.

*HB:This assists in the configuration of integrations by revealing compatible source & end-systems and features available per those requirements. This is very helpful when doing analysis of target integrations and supported features in an implementation.

  • Features that were speculated to be in release but were not formally released:
    • EPM Mobile Integration
Steps for the upgrade:
  1. Assumption : That there exists a successful installation.
  2. Software downloaded for the upgrade (on edelivery.oracle.com)
  3. Backup the DRM Repository database for the version
  4. Un-install DRM (This does not drop the DRM Metadata repository, or the DRM Console database settings)
  5. Un-zip and Run the setup to install
  6. Ensure that the application configuration and database connection information are still correct as the in
  7. IMPORTANT NOTE: Since this is an upgrade to a newer version, the following action is mandatory to update the metadata tables to reflect the new features and functionality of the Oracle tool
    • Open the DRM Console
    • Under Applications, click on Apply updates (This process will apply updates to the current application)
Note: Oracle DRM 11.1.2 was not supported on Windows Server 2008. However is, it is the recommended OS base for a DRM install. Ensure that a 64bit OS is used on either 11.1.2 or Even if the memory is bumped up to 64GB its a gotcha if the product is used on a 32bit OS, not all the memory is utilized ~50% or less of the memory will be utilized.
Other requirements for a clean installation of Oracle DRM Fusion edition:
  1. Application Server: Windows Server 2003 R2. (For non-production environments the Oracle DRM server can also be successfully installed on Vista, XP, Windows 7)
  2. IIS 6 or IIS 7 is installed and running.
  3. ASP.Net 2 and Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 (Note: Ensure that SP1 has been installed and IIS is configured to use ASP.Net 2.)
  4. A relational database for the DRM Metadata tables. (Oracle documentation indicates DRM is supporte d on Oracle and SQL Server RDBMS). These tutorials are demonstrated on a Oracle 11g repository.
  5. Ensure that Oracle 11g(run as admin)Client has been installed on the App-Server and configured with appropriate TNSNAMES.ORA entries. Note: Typically in a live environment, the Database resides on a seperate server and not on the App-server. (For a local personal installation, the database and DRM can be installed on the same machine and a TNSNAMES.ORA entry is not necessary in this case)
  6. Ensure that the connection between the DRM application server and database has been validated using the same credentials
  7. A Windows User has been created having credentials to:
    • Edit registry settings
    • Read and write to the local file system
    • Launch processes
    • Run as a service
For the purpose of these tutorials, the Oracle DRM Fusion edition is installed based on Internal authentication. External authentication requires Shared Services and will be out of scope
For additional information please refer to the Oracle® Hyperion Data Relationship Management, Fusion Edition Installation guide.