Department Head

General Rules

  1. Department Head Titles
  2. Department Head Responsibilities
  3. Department Head Pay
  4. Department Head Clue
  5. Department Head Job Description

The Department of Defense is headed by the secretary of defense, a cabinet-level head who reports directly to the president of the United States. Beneath the Department of Defense are three subordinate military departments: the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force. USC Tina and Rick Caruso Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art care for a wide range of disorders affecting the head and neck, working with diverse populations across Los Angeles.

Proper nouns and official names are capitalized.

Common nouns and informal forms of official names are not capitalized.

Academic and Nonacademic Units and Bodies


Capitalize only the official and complete names of colleges, schools, departments, divisions, offices and official bodies.

  • Examples: Department of Aerospace Engineering; Colorado Center for Policy Studies; Office of Admissions; School of Education & Human Development; Board of Regents

Do not capitalize informal and shortened versions of schools, colleges, departments, divisions, offices and official bodies.

  • Examples: developmental biology department; education policy analysis center; admissions office; school of education; regents

Committees, Groups, Centers, Programs, Initiatives and Institutes

Avoid capitalizing a committee, center, group, program, institute or initiative unless it is officially recognized and formally named.

  • Examples: search committee, admissions committee, doctoral review committee

Capitalize the official, proper names of long-standing committees and groups and formally developed programs and initiatives.

  • Examples: Blue Ribbon Commission, Executive Committee of the Faculty Assembly

Course Titles

When referring to official course titles, use initial caps. Do not use quotation marks, italics or any other formatting with course titles.

  • Example: She was required to take Fundamentals of Nursing during her first year.

When referring to a course using the course title and course number, use commas to set off the course title.

  • Example: Six students who registered for CMMU 4760, Computer Mediated Communication, were placed on a waiting list because the course was full.

Degrees / Programs of Study

Do not capitalize degree names when spelled out.

  • Example: She earned a bachelor of science degree from UCCS.

Capitalize degree abbreviations.

  • Example: He has a Ph.D. in toxicology.

Do not capitalize major names, minor names or programs of study.

Department Head Titles

  • Example: He studies biology and math, but his minor is music.

Job Titles

Capitalize a job title if it immediately precedes a name.

Department head
  • Examples: Professor Ann Jones; Dean and Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs Richard Krugman

Do not capitalize titles that follow names or stand alone.

  • Examples: John Smith, professor in biology; the chancellor of the university

Placing the title after the name, lower case, is preferred.

Publication and Presentation Titles

Department Head Responsibilities

Which words should not be capitalized in a title?

  • Articles: a, an, & the.
  • Coordinate conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet & so (FANBOYS).
  • Prepositions, such as at, around, by, after, along, for, from, of, on, to, with & without. (According to the Chicago Manual of Style, all prepositions should be uncapitalized in a title. NIVA and I recommend capitalizing prepositions 5+ letters long).

Which words should be capitalized in a title?

  • The first and last words should always be capitalized, even if they’re in the above list.
  • All nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs should be capitalized.
  • Subordinate conjunctions, such as after, as, because, how, who, if, than, what, why, that, when, where, whether & while.
  • Commonly missed words: it (pronoun), is (verb), be (verb) and their/our/my (adjective) should all be capitalized.

Schools and Colleges / Department Names

Capitalize only the official and complete names of colleges, schools, departments, divisions and offices.

  • Examples: Department of Biology, School of Dental Medicine

Do not capitalize informal or general references.

  • Examples: biology department, dental school

Seasons and Semesters

Do not capitalize semester names or seasons.

  • Examples: spring semester, spring 2008, fall commencement

Structures and Places

Capitalize the full, official names of buildings and places on campus. Examples: Old Main, North Classroom, University Center


University References

Department Head Pay

Do not capitalize university unless using the complete proper name of the university. See university references for a list of proper names.

Department Head Clue

  • Examples: He is a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder. There are more than 70,000 university alumni in the Denver area.

NOTE: This rule also applies to schools, colleges, departments, centers, institutes, etc.

  • Faculty

Department Head Job Description

Name / ContactTitle / Interests
Artin, Michael

2-274 x3-3689

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Algebraic Geometry, Non-Commutative Algebra

Bazant, Martin

66-350 x4-2036

Professor of Chemical Engineering and Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics, Electrokinetics, Microfluidics and Electrochemistry

Berger, Bonnie

32-G574 x3-4986

2-373 x3-1827

Simons Professor of Mathematics

Theoretical Computer Science, Computational Biological Modeling

Bezrukavnikov, Roman

2-470 x3-2684

Professor of Mathematics

Representation Theory, Algebraic Geometry

On Leave Spring semester

Borodin, Alexei

2-280 x3-4998

Professor of Mathematics

Integrable Probability

Bush, John

2-446 x3-4387

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Fluid Dynamics

Cheng, Hung

2-379 x3-3663

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Theoretical Physics

Chernoff, Herman


Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics

Statistics, Probability

Cohn, Henry

2-341B x3-3662

Adjunct Professor

Discrete Mathematics

Colding, Tobias Holck

2-369 x3-3215

Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Mathematics

Pure Mathematics Committee Chair

Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations

Collins, Tristan


Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Geometric Analysis, PDEs

Demanet, Laurent

2-247 x4-2614

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Applied analysis, Scientific Computing

Dunkel, Jörn

2-381 x3-7826

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Physical Applied Mathematics

On Leave Spring semester

Dyatlov, Semyon

2-377 x3-4057

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Scattering theory, microlocal analysis, dynamical systems, general relativity

Edelman, Alan

2-349 x3-7770

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Parallel Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra, Random Matrices

On Leave Spring semester

Etingof, Pavel

2-282 x3-3669

Professor of Mathematics

Representation Theory, Quantum Groups, Noncommutative Algebra

Freedman, Daniel


Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics

Theoretical Physics, Supergravity, Supersymmetry

Goemans, Michel

2-474 x3-2688


Department Head

Professor of Mathematics

Algorithms, Combinatorics & Optimization

Greenspan, Harvey


Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics

Fluid Mechanics

Guillemin, Victor

2-270 x3-4983

Professor of Mathematics

Differential Geometry

Guth, Larry

2-278 x3-4326

Claude Shannon Professor of Mathematics

Metric geometry, harmonic analysis, extremal combinatorics

Helgason, Sigurdur

2-253A x3-3668

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Geometric Analysis

Hintz, Peter


Assistant Professor of Mathematics

General relativity, partial differential equations, microlocal analysis

On Leave Fall semester

Hosoi, Anette

3-262 x3-4337

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Associate Dean of Engineering

Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Analysis

Jerison, David

2-272 x3-4394

Professor of Mathematics

Partial Differential Equations, Fourier Analysis

Johnson, Steven

2-345 x3-4073

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Waves, PDEs, Scientific Computing

Kac, Victor

2-176 x3-2945

Professor of Mathematics

Algebra, Mathematical Physics

Kelner, Jonathan

2-344 x3-4344

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Theoretical Computer Science

Kim, Ju-Lee

2-442 x3-7576

Professor of Mathematics

Representation Theory of p-adic groups

Kleiman, Steven

2-172 x3-4996

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra

Kleitman, Daniel

2-172 x3-1796

Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics

Combinatorics, Operations Research

Lawrie, Andrew


Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Analysis, Geometric PDEs

Leighton, Tom

2-444 x3-3662

32-G594 x3-5876

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Theoretical Computer Science, Combinatorics

On Leave Spring semester

Lusztig, George

2-365 x3-4398

Abdun-Nur Professor of Mathematics

Group Representations, Algebraic Groups

Mattuck, Arthur

2-383 x3-4345

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Algebraic Geometry

Maulik, Davesh

2-346 x3-1796

Professor of Mathematics

Algebraic Geometry

Melrose, Richard

2-480 x3-2950

Professor of Mathematics

Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry

Miller, Haynes

2-478 x3-7569

(617) 413-2419

Professor of Mathematics

Algebraic Topology

Minicozzi, William

2-371 x3-3299

Academic Officer

Associate Department Head

Singer Professor of Mathematics

Geometric Analysis, PDEs

Minzer, Dor

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Moitra, Ankur

2-472 x3-4129

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Theoretical Computer Science, Machine Learning

Mossel, Elchanan

2-434 x3-4382

Professor of Mathematics

Probability, Algorithms and Inference

Mrowka, Tomasz

2-440 x3-2857

Professor of Mathematics

Gauge Theory, Differential Geometry

Munkres, James

2-172 x3-2948

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Differential Topology

Neguț, Andrei

2-269 x3-6770

Class of 1947 Career Development Associate Professor

Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory

Parrilo, Pablo

32-D724 x4-1542

Professor of EECS and Mathematics

Optimization, Control Theory, Computational Algebraic Geometry, Applied Mathematics

Piccirillo, Lisa


Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Poonen, Bjorn

2-243 x8-8164

Distinguished Professor in Science

Professor of Mathematics

Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry

Postnikov, Alexander

2-367 x2-2876

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Algebraic Combinatorics

Rigollet, Philippe

2-279 x4-2809

Professor of Mathematics

Statistics, Machine Learning

Rosales, Rodolfo

2-337 x3-2784

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Nonlinear Waves, Fluid Mechanics, Material Sciences, Numerical pde

Seidel, Paul

2-276 x3-3773

Levinson Professor of Mathematics

Mirror Symmetry

Sheffield, Scott

2-249 x3-4350

Leighton Family Professor of Mathematics

Postdoc Officer

Probability and Mathematical Physics

Shor, Peter

2-375 x3-4362

Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics Committee Chair

Quantum Computation, Quantum Information

Singer, Isadore


Emeritus Institute Professor

Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics

Sipser, Michael

2-438 x3-4992

Donner Professor of Mathematics

MacVicar Faculty Fellow

Algorithms, Complexity Theory

Staffilani, Gigliola

2-251 x3-4981

Abby Rockefeller Mauze Professor of Mathematics

Analysis: Dispersive Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Stanley, Richard

2-380 x3-7930

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Algebraic Combinatorics

Stark, Harold


Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Number Theory

Strang, Gilbert

2-245 x3-4383

MathWorks Professor of Mathematics

Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations

Stroock, Daniel

2-380 x3-4354

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Probability, Stochastic Analysis

Sun, Nike


Associate Professor of Mathematics

Probability, statistical physics

Sutherland, Andrew

2-341B x3-4381

Principal Research Scientist

Computational number theory and arithmetic geometry

Toomre, Alar

2-253A x3-1796

Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics

Astrophysics, Stellar Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics

Vogan, David

2-355 x3-4991

Norbert Wiener Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Group Representations, Lie Theory

Xu, Chenyang

2-468 x3-6544

Professor of Mathematics

Algebraic geometry

On Leave Fall and Spring semesters

Yun, Zhiwei

2-436 x4-7659

Professor of Mathematics

Geometric Representation Theory, Number Theory

Zhang, Wei

2-476 x8-7180

Professor of Mathematics

Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Algebraic Geometry

Zhao, Yufei

2-271 x3-4380

Class of 1956 Career Development Assistant Professor


Phone Extension Breakdown: x2 = 452 x3 = 253 x4 = 324 x8 = 258